Employee Alcohol Screening

Introducing SOBRcheck™


SOBRcheck is a touch-based, IoT-enabled alcohol detection platform for employee testing, featuring real-time remote reporting and data analytics.

We seek to:

  • Add significant, uniform safety measures to operations.
  • Protect against future liabilities related to alcohol use.
  • Reduce current operating costs through insurance savings.

Technology Features

Rapid on-sight alcohol testing delivers unprecedented employee monitoring and sets a baseline for risk at the lowest possible level.

Transdermal Sensor

Alcohol detection with efficient workflow, non-invasive “go/no go” functionality, results in seconds

Real-Time Management

Wireless delivery of enterprise-wide data to a central dashboard for immediate appropriate action

Preventative Solution

SOBRcheck gets ahead of the event, helping eliminate risk in the workplace, on roadways

Biometric Identification

Alcohol scan results tied to a privacy-compliant ID, preventing circumvention, enhancing security

Predictive Analytics

Actionable data collection empowers reduced-risk modeling, potentially lowering insurance costs

ISO 9001 Compliance

Solution and services adhere to the highest standard of quality manufacturing and customer support

Unlock Insurance Savings

  • Like consumer driver discounts, safe business discounts available
  • Commitment to daily, uniform safety verification required to unlock
  • Multiple carriers indicate SOBRcheck as qualifying “safety measure”
  • SOBRcheck customers receiving savings quotes across 4 policy types

Screening Process

  • Employee drinks alcohol.

  • While still impaired, employee heads to work.

  • Employee shows up to work and is "screened" prior to entering the facility or depot. The system detects impairment, enabling action consistent with current policy.

  • Real-time results of screening will notify administration of possible impairment

Delivery Vehicles
With an increasing dependence on home delivery, there are more trucks and vans on the road than ever before – SOBRsafe helps ensure each is operated alcohol-free

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Forklifts, pallet jacks, multi-ton inventory – there is zero margin for error within a warehouse, requiring a zero-tolerance policy. SOBRsafe provides actionable data for intelligent policy management.

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Few work environments are as potentially dangerous as the factory floor. By screening for alcohol at each entry point, SOBRsafe helps employers keep workers from harm.

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There are innumerable moving parts on a construction site – awareness and diligence are essential. With SOBRsafe technology at each entry point, alcohol can be removed from the equation.

School Buses
Each month brings stories of impaired bus drivers placing students at risk. With depot-based SOBRsafe devices, they cannot take their keys, let alone the wheel.

Watch the video

Quietly, alcohol is a serious issue in our office environments. Harassment incidents or blown deals are grave consequences of alcohol use on company time…no more with SOBRsafe.

Real-Time, Secure Data Delivery

Enterprise monitoring and analytics provides secure access to performance reports and trend data.

  • The solution to more effectively manage existing company substance policies.

World’s First Touch-Based Solution To Prevent Alcohol-Related Accidents

Current mandatory and reactive solutions just punish the offense. SOBRcheck will ensure it never happens.


Fleet Management

Delivery & Service, School Bus

An alcohol-related incident can have disastrous consequences, but periodic or randomized testing procedures are insufficient and do not reduce risk. Enter SOBRcheck. With centralized devices installed at the timeclock station or the keys check-out counter, every driver must demonstrate the absence of alcohol before engaging in work activities.

Workplace Safety

Warehouse & Manufacturing

Workers with an alcohol problem are 270% more likely to have an accident. Installing the SOBRcheck solution at each point of entry ensures management has real-time, actionable and individualized data – empowering them to legally take measures consistent with existing policy, without impeding workflow and production.


Contact Think Twice to learn more

  • $63 Billion

    Each year, alcohol-related injuries, deaths and lost productivity cost American employers and insurers $63 billion.

  • 47%

    Nearly half of all industrial accidents involve alcohol, leading to 200,000 injuries and 500 deaths each year.

  • 300%

    Workplace substance abusers incur 300% higher medical costs, and 3x the normal level of health benefits.

Learn More About Our Workplace Safety Platform by contacting us today!
