Safe Party Gift Bags (Assorted Colors)


Safe Party Gift Bags create awareness and provide practical solutions to prevent drink spiking and impaired driving.

Included in each gift bag are the following:

Ketamine & GHB Test Kit

Detect these common date rape drugs by placing a drop of your beverage on designated areas. Each test strip confirms the presence of both drugs.

One sealed packet = 5 tests of both drugs per strip.

Reusable Drink Cover

A stretchable, black silicone cover that is hand washable, airtight and spill proof. Adapts to beverage containers between 2 inches – 3 1/2 inches. FDA compliant and Bisphenol A free.

Single-Use Breathalyzer

An individually packaged Think Twice breathalyzer.

The crystals in the viewing window will change colors based on a range from 0.00% – 0.08% breath-alcohol-content (BAC). Each single-use breathalyzer includes a $25.00 promo code for the Alcomate Premium, a digital breathalyzer that can be used hundreds of times.

Voluntary Ignition Interlock Promo

1 Free month subscription for SOBRDRIVE or CheckBAC Drive.

Vehicle and alcohol deterrent using a handheld breathalyzer + smartphone App.

SOBRDRIVE “Panic” mode sends real-time audio/video with GPS location to the user’s designated contacts for immediate help.

Table Top Info Card

4 x 6 inch postcard with information about T2 Single-Use Breathalyzers.

Key Chain Bottle Opener

A convenient tool that reminds the user to think twice about driving impaired.

Think Twice Pen

People still write stuff down.

DUIs Suck! Sticker

It has been proven drunk drivers only care about themselves. Give them a sticker that is all about consequences! (For them of course…!?!)


Think Twice Safe Party Gift Bags include items intended to prevent impaired driving and drink spiking.

The goal is to combine useful tools with education to help individuals protect themselves and influence their social group.


Additional information

Weight4 oz
Dimensions7 × 1 × 9 in

4 oz


5 × 7 × 2 in


Black, Blue, Burgundy, Gold, Green, Grey, Hot Pink, Pink, Purple, Red, Turquoise, White, Yellow